Asheville Chiropractor Blog

A key ingredient to Losing weight

The Key ingredient to losing weight in Asheville NC “What’s the Best Diet?”  Harvard’s answer In my Asheville NC Chiropractic office, I get this question frequently. It Goes like this… “Dr. Stockstad I would like to loose about 20 or so pounds what can I do to loose this quickly?”  We do have a plan…

Statins and Cardiovascular Disease: Not as Protective as We're Led to Believe

Statins and cardiovascular Disease in Asheville NC Hi, Dr. Mathew Stockstad here.  I have so many patients who come into my Asheville NC chiropractic office with huge concerns about their heart, cholesterol, etc.  So here is a very informative article by Dr. David Seaman, DC, MS, DABCN  below: Statins and Cardiovascular Disease: Not as Protective…

Children and Chiropractic Care: Science

Chiropractic care for children in Asheville NC I was so pleased to see more great research coming out for my Chiropractic profession.  I have seen the power of spinal adjustment not only in my Asheville NC Chiropractic practice but also with my own 3 children.  It is with the children that I have seen miracles…

Chiropractic Asheville NC auto injury

Whiplash injury: Causes and symptoms

Whiplash Injury in Asheville NC My Asheville NC Chiropractic office sees many individuals who have been injured in auto accidents.  They are often confused by how they can hurt so bad while having no external signs of an injury.  So I have enclosed some information to help explain what causes the pain and dysfunction following…

Chiropractic Asheville NC Neck pain

Whiplash injuries

Whiplash in Asheville NC Whiplash is one of the most common and well-known injuries from car accidents.  Whiplash is characterized by a sudden distortion of the neck also known as an acceleration flexion-extension cervical injury. This injury is caused by the force of an accident, which ‘whips’ the head violently from one direction to another,…

Dealing with Fatigue

Dealing with fatigue is Asheville NC To all you lovely people in Asheville, NC. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Mathew Stockstad, and I am the leading chiropractor in Asheville NC. I know that many of the people here in Asheville NC and Fairview are dealing with problems that are related to fatigue…