Basic Facts About Chiropractic

The Basic Facts About Chiropractic in Asheville NC

Chiropractici s the fastest-growing and second-largest primary health care profession. There are approximately 60,000 doctors of chiropractic (DCs) in active practice in the United States spread from rural areas to inner cities. More than 10,000 students are currently enrolled in chiropractic educational programs accredited by a federally recognized body (CCE).

Chiropractic services in Asheville NC are in high demand. Tens of millions of Americans routinely opt for chiropractic services and this number is rapidly growing. In 1993, more than 30 million consumers made chiropractic a regular part of their health care program.

Education of chiropractors in Asheville NC

Doctors of Chiropractic receive extensive, demanding professional education on par with medical doctors (MDs) and osteopaths (DOs). To receive the doctor of chiropractic degree, candidates must complete extensive undergraduate prerequisites and four years of graduate-level instruction and internship at an accredited chiropractic institution. Comprehensive knowledge of all systems of the body and diagnostic procedures enable the DC to thoroughly evaluate a patient, address disorders relating to the spine and determine the need for referral to another health care provider.

In our Asheville NC Chiropractic office located at 16 Winterwind Drive 28803 we have been serving our community for over 20 years.

If you would like to make an appointment call (828) 299-4555

Dr. Mathew K. Stockstad, BA, M.Div, DC, PA


7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm

10:00am - 12:30pm

7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm

7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm


Saturday & Sunday

Asheville Chiropractor

16 Winterwind Dr
Asheville, NC 28803

(828) 299-4555