Asheville NC Chiropractor: Low Back Pain and Balance

Statistically, the majority of individuals (approximated to be about 90 %) will suffer from Low Back Pain (LBP) at some point in their lifetime. One of the issues that is associated with low back pain is a lack of balance. With those suffering from LBP, we do a Bio-structural Stress Evaluation that annalise the postural balance of the body. In addition to Chiropractic care, orthotics may be needed and prescribed. We also give very specific exercises to assist patients to improving their balance reducing low back pain now and in the future.
What is balance in Asheville NC?
Balance is a skill that is discovered as we develop. At first, as babies, we have not developed the "neuromotor pathways " or, sequence of signals in between the brain and our toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips, and so on. The consistent circulation of sensory information gets processed by the brain and prompts motor messages to be sent back to our limbs allowing us to move in a gradually more coordinated way as we develop. This natural progression of developing motor control begins with crude, rather uncontrolled movement of the fingers, hands, arms, legs, and feet, and soon, we learn to hold up our head, scoot, roll over, crawl, stand, and ultimately walk (usually throughout the first 12 months of life). The process of recognizing noises, voice quality and inflections, and words occurs simultaneously. This bombardment of sensory information to the brain leads to the capacity to slowly carry out very integrated features including walking, running, leaping, and dancing. As part of that process, falling regularly occurs. We all remember the challenge of learning how to ride a bike, swim, do a somersault, climb up a tree, swing, dancing, do gymnastics, ski, and on and on. As time passes and we get in midlife, we become more inactive. As a result, we begin losing our "proprioceptive edge" and become less stable, This leads to the unfortunate result of more frequent loss of balance and falls. At some point, we need to hold on to hand railings or the wall in order to keep our balance and falling occurs more often. Couple this steady loss of balance with bone demineralization (osteoporosis) and the threat of a fracture, such as a hip or vertebra, increases too.
How can we help to restore our balance?
The answer is, A LOT !!! Similar to muscles shrinking and atrophy if they are not used, so does our ability to maintain our balance. We need to exercise our balance in order to try to keep those neuromotor pathways open. That need doesn't stop after youth, and in fact, becomes more important as we age.
One simple exercise that can be done to help balance is to stand on one foot with the eyes open and for more of a challenge eyes closed. Doing this regularly most find that within the first 2-4 weeks, they will feel more "sure" or secure on their feet. Start with simple workouts like standing with your feet together and hold that position for considerably longer times (eyes open and closed).
Simple but very important and effective at developing and keeping your balance.
If you would like an appointment at our Asheville NC Chiropractic office we invite you to call us at 828-299-4555
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7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm
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7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm
7:45am - 12:30pm
3:15pm - 5:45pm
Saturday & Sunday
Asheville Chiropractor
16 Winterwind Dr
Asheville, NC 28803